We know that wallpaper is making a come back. Channel 9's TV show 'The Block' has featured it and all the magazines are showing it.
It looks great in a bedroom, great on a kitchen wall or under a floating bench or on a staircase.
It really is digital nature at its finest, this Cole & Son wallpaper looks amazing anywhere.
Available online www.removablewallpaper.com.au or call
Cutting Edge Wallpapering in Melbourne to view their Cole & Son Book.
Just Kids Wallpaper has recently had the honour of adding the wallpapers of the award winning Sian Zeng to their store.

London based Sian Zeng recently launched their magnetic Woodlands Wallpaper range. This wallpaper allows the user to create their own stories on the wall by moving a cast of magnetic characters, speech bubbles & buildings on the wallpaper.
American actress, Hillary Duff has recently decorated her nursery with this wallpaper describing it as 'adorable' and 'really really cute'
This magnetic wallpaper comes with a 10 pack of magnets which your child can spend hours moving around their new Woodlands wall.
Samples and wallpaper is available at
Just Kids Wallpaper
Onszelf was founded by Astrid Nieuwenburg and Claudia DrĂ¼be, two Dutch designers who grew up in Amsterdam and who have had a history with Eijffinger.
Their amazing designs are targeted at the children's market with a wide range of boys & girls wallpapers, posters & fabrics.
See the Onszelf fabrics, posters and wallpaper collections online at Just Kids Wallpaper or if you live in Melbourne, contact them to view all the Onszelf Wallpaper, Poster & fabric books.